Just to be clear, I am not restoring this FF Butterscotch with any hope that someone else wants her. I just feel terribly bad for what some egocentric marker-wielding child named named Shannon S did to her. If I remember correctly, she came from an eBay bait lot; I’m such a sucker for those. They are the pony equivalent of a three-legged dog at the pound. I STILL LOVE YOU, PONIES.
In the photos below, you can see that poor, poor FF Butterscotch is missing her tail, part of her right brow, part of her front left foot, has a big mold spot, green paint on her symbol, and (of course) a haircut. Also, just general filth. What the picture doesn’t show is that someone (Shannon S?) added glue to the brow and foot injuries, so there was all this gooey residue on those areas as well.
First, the requisite good ol’-fashioned OxiClean bath. Next, I used tornadoe’s needle technique but with bleach instead of acetone in an attempt to get rid of her mold. Then she went in an H2O2 bath for a couple days in the sun. I know some people are scared of putting non-white ponies in the sun in peroxide, but Jesus, she probably couldn’t get much worse. I did use nail polish remover to clean what appeared to be green nail polish off her symbol. I didn’t have to rub hard and it didn’t seem to disrupt the symbol too much, but I knew I was going to have to touch it up later anyway.
After a couple days in the sunny peroxide, she looks much better! The marker is much lighter but still very apparent, so I am sunfading her now. The mold is gone now, but I don’t know which toxic chemical I have to thank for that – probably a combination.
Results to come soon!