I got this “wreath” off my local Buy Nothing group. I couldn’t tell much from the original photo, other than there were two G1s, a lot of G3s, and one G2. I’m glad it went to a good home!

Once I received it, I realized there were actually three G1s, and I got right to cleaning them up! The ponies were all attached to a particle board wreath form with a combination of hot glue, fishing line, and (unfortunately) screws. Wild Flower was the only G1 who got damaged by a screw. Here is her before-and after:

As you can see, she had chunks of hot glue stuck in her hair, which is something I have never removed from a pony before. It turns out that saturating the hot glue in isopropyl alcohol made it dry and brittle, and I was able to pick it apart with my nails. It wasn’t hard, but it was tedious. Her hair was messy, but actually in decent shape once I got all the glue out. Her hair ended up covering her “wound” quite nicely so she still displays well.
Next up was Little Tabby:

She was also in pretty decent shape, once I got the hot glue out. Her factory curl in her mane was mostly gone, so I set her hair in curlers (i.e. straws).
Last and kinda least, we have Baby Frosting. Honestly, BBE ponies creep me out but I’d never deny a good home to a G1 pony! ?

She was just filled with rust. Rusty eyes, rusty tail. I like to use Barkeeper’s Friend and a toothbrush for rust in any part of a pony, and it did the job really well in both the hair and the eyes.
There are still quite a few ponies from this wreath who still need to be cleaned up, and I’ll post about them soon!